Meet the top 10 marketing and social writers of the year on LinkedIn, ranked by engagement and more. Read — and follow — them now.
2. Glenn Leibowitz
Director of External Relations, McKinsey & Co.
- What he covers: "I like to write about a variety of topics: personal and professional growth, education, technology, social media, and writing."
- Favorite post: The Man Who Taught a Million People How to Write Well
- Why he likes it: “It was a personally meaningful post because it was my tribute to a writer who had had a profound influence on my own writing: William Zinsser, author of 'On Writing Well.' I was surprised by the strongly positive reaction it generated from so many people who were similarly influenced by him.”
- 2015’s most-interesting story: “The rapid development of podcasting as a media sector that is now attracting big brands and big names," a trend he accurately predicted here.
- His own role: “Instead of sitting by on the sidelines and watching the trend play out, I plunged ahead and launched my own podcast this year which has been a blast. Podcasting is only going to get bigger.”