Meet the top 10 technology writers of the year on LinkedIn, ranked by engagement and more. Read — and follow — them now.
8. Lee Naik
Managing Director, Accenture Digital
- What he covers: "Practical implications and strategies for organizations to consider as they seek to be relevant in a highly disruptive and digital world."
- Post he's proudest of: BYOD is dead – long live CYOD!
- Why he likes it: "The post was read by nearly 570,000 people, but what really struck me was the quality of the engagement."
- Favorite comment: "On one of my posts about engaging millennials in the workplace, a reader posted, 'Simple formula: (Listen-Act-Listen) infinite times — over and over again!' It stuck in my mind as this simple formula can – and should – be applied in almost any workplace scenario..."
- 2015's most-interesting story: "The #FeesMustFall student protest movement is a South African story that drew global attention in response to an increase in fees at South African universities."